Arcella cf. artocrea, an Arcella species with pores around the aperture. (1) |
Arcella cf. artocrea, detail of the shell. This image shows the cylindrical chitinoid elements (Diameter: approx. 1.3µm) of which the shell is composed. The arrowheads point to some granular structures that could be observed in constant movement (?Brown Movement?). The encircled area shows the hexagonal pattern of the small pores betweend the cylindrical elements. The pores have a diameter of approx. 0.2µm. (1) |
Arcella cf. artocrea, specimen from (2) |
Location: Griendtsveen, NL, sphagnum pond (1); nature reserve NSG Heiliges Meer, Grosses Heiliges Meer (2) |
Habitat : detritus (1); (2) |
Datum: 24.09.2016 (1) 26.04.2019 (2) |