Hyalotheca disssilens; a filamentous alga with typical mucilaginous sheath (1) |
Hyalotheca disssilens; each cell has an star-shaped axial chloroplast (green arrows) with pyrenoid (yellow arrows)((1) |
Hyalotheca disssilens; specimen from ((2) |
Hyalotheca disssilens; single cell in apical view showing the star-shaped chloroplast. (3) |
Hyalotheca disssilens; specimen from (3), focal plane on the lobes of the chloroplasts.(3) |
Hyalotheca disssilens; focal plane on the cell wall with pores (3) |
Location : Wahner Heide near Cologne Sphagnum-pond (1); (2); Wuppertalsperre, Ausgleichsbiotop with Utricularia (3) |
Habitat: between Sphagnum (1); (2); Detritus(3) |
Date : 05.03. 2011 (1); 23.08. 2011 (2); 18.09. 2014 (3) |