Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen from (4), focus plane on the row of contractile vacuoles, which is in contrast to Homalozoon multinucleatum (with a single contractile vacuole in the center) Also visible is the pharyngeal mass. |
Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen from (4), focus plane on the moniliform macronucleus. |
Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen from (1) |
Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen from (1); the arrowheads point to some beads of the macronucleus |
Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen from (3); anterior part; focus plane on the extrusomes (E) and pharyngeal mass (PM). |
Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen from (3); lateral view. Focus plane on right side of the cortex with several rows of the cilia, which is in contrast to the left side with only two rows of cilia (image below). |
Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen from (4); lateral view. Focus plane on left side of the cortex . |
Homalozoon vermiculare; closeup some of the beads of the moniliform macronucleus. The arrowheads point to some of the micronuclei. (3) |
Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen with zoochlorellae. (2) |
Homalozoon vermiculare; specimen with zoochlorellae. E: extrusomes; PM: pharyngeal mass (2) |
Homalozoon vermiculare; zoochlorellae, some of which are digested (brown) (2) |
Location: Simmelried /Konstanz/ Bodensee; sphagnum pond (1); (2); (3); Brest, Bretagne, France; botanical garden, pond (4) |
Habitat : detritus (1); (2); (3); (4) |
Date: 06.10.2009 (1); 09.11.2009 (2); 02.04.2020 (3); 24.08.2021 (4) |