Thuricola folliculata: two cells in one colorless lorica.The specimens in this sample are without zoochlorelles (1) |
Thuricola folliculata, contracted; the arrowheads point to the two subapical opercula which can close the lorica. (1) |
Thuricola folliculata, specimens with zoochlorellae. (4) |
Thuricola folliculata, pair of contracted specimens. The arrow poinst to the valve (in optical transect), which is a membrane that consists of many parallel orientated fibrils( Fi). The valve is closed mechanically by another membrane (arrowheads) which is retracted when the cells retract and get thicker. (4) |
Thuricola folliculata, another specimen with zoochlorellae. (2) |
Thuricola folliculata, specimen from (2), epibiontic on red alga Polysiphonia sp. (Rhodophyta). (3) |
Location: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer, pond (1); Hattingen, garden pond (2); Hiddensee, eelgras (Zostera sp.) (3); nature reserve NSG Heiliges Meer, "Vergessener Kolk" (4) |
habitat: Detritus /epibiontic on the green alga Enteromorpha sp (1); detritus (2); epibiontic on the red alga Polysiphonia sp. (3); epibiontic on algae (4) |
Date: 06.10.2007 (1); 18.08.2005 (2); 05.10.2018 (3); 28.04.2019 (4) |