Cochliopodium bilimbosum: the cell is on a coat made of microscales which can be recognized as tiny spots in the light microscope (arrowheads). In contrast to Cochliopodium vestitum this species has no spines. (1) |
SEM images of the scales can be seen here |
The scales may have a function to protect the organism against predators. In this youtube-video the behavior of the rotifer Cephalodella may be interpreteted as being confused by the scales when trying to swallow Cochliopodium. |
Cochliopodium bilimbosum: same specimen, illustrating the locomotion. (1) |
Cochliopodium bilimbosum: specimen from (2) |
Location: Simmelried/ Bodensee (1); Frankenhausen/ Kyffhäuser, Elisabethquelle (2) |
Habitat : Sphagnum (1); detritus in salinic water (2) |
Date: 23.8.2009 (1); 21.10.2016 (2) |