Beauchampia crucigera, builts a house made of detritus pills. The dorsal antenna of this species is extremely long. |
Beauchampia crucigera; another specimen without housing. |
Beauchampia crucigera; |
Beauchampia crucigera; detail of the long dorsal antenna |
Beauchampia crucigera; malleoramate trophi of the specimen from the image below. (3) |
Beauchampia crucigera; maybe the prey of other rotifers like Cephalodella gibba, which has just excreted this Beauchampia-rotifer. (3) |
Location: Gevelsberg, Stafansbachtal GrünesKlassenzimmer; Teich |
Habitat: epibiontic on the stonewort Nitella mucronata |
Date: 3.8.2007 / 24.5.2008 |