Dissotrocha aculeata, lateral view; the integument of the trunk shows spines (1). |
Dissotrocha aculeata, dorsal view; two cerebral eyespots are visible on the trunk. Trophi with dental formula 3/3 (1). |
Dissotrocha aculeata, dorsal view; focal plane on the dorsal antenna which has three segments. The first segment is three-lobed (1) |
Dissotrocha aculeata; left image: spines on the integument; right image: foot with spurs and 4 toes (1). |
Dissotrocha aculeata; specimen from (2) treated with SDs. Granulated ijntegument with unpaired anterior spine. |
Dissotrocha aculeata; trophi with dental formula 3/3 (2) |
Location (1): Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, pond in front of NC/NB (1) |
Habitat (1): desintegrating plants (1) (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date (1): 2.10.2008 (1); 28.05.2024 (3) |
Location : Wertach near Bobingen, Bavaria, billabong, submerged moss (2); |
Habitat: periphyton (2) |
Date: 02.04.2014 (2) |