Epiphanes daphnicola, has only recently been grouped into the genus Epiphanes. The big foot glands produce a sticky thread (see upper left inset, arrowheads), with which it attaches to the carapax of the Daphnia waterflea. |
Epiphanes daphnicola, lateral view. |
Epiphanes daphnicola, swimming between the segments of the antenna of a waterflea. |
Epiphanes daphnicola, amictic eggs are attached to the 2nd pair of antennae (green arrows). Yellow arrowheads: peritrich Cilates which are said to be predated by Epiphanes daphnicola. |
Location: Sprockhövel, Teich |
Habitat: an Daphnien/ planktisch |
Date: 30.08.2011 |